

Retirement: Here is where it officially changes. After 10 years, I had decided to retire from being Ogremind's DJ, and have found someone to pass the torch to. Hellnight 2006 was the last night for me as a formal DJ for Ogremind, and my good friend Rachel took over. She's been a constant supporter and hardcore regular of our night since Wellingtons, she has the musical knowledge to keep a good balance of goth and industrial in her playlist, plus she knows the staff and almost everyone in the crowd.

Rachel: There are people who are concerned about the night "never being the same" or that the "night is over now". I'm here to assure them that they have nothing to be worried about. This night is a very important part of my life. I would not have done it for so long (especially the 4 years in the hole that was Wellingtons) for so long if it wasn't. I wouldn't give the night to just anyone unless I knew for a fact that they would keep up the quality for which this night has been known for so long. I trust Rachel to keep a good balance of the Goth, Industrial, Punk, New Wave, and such.

Gratitude: Over the years, due to different circumstances, I occassionally wasn't able to make the night, so I've had friends and fellow Scene supporters fill in for me on those nights.
For the great work they did (and the peace of mind they gave me), I thank:
DJ Pokey - My Best Friend Leslie
Clee - of Angry Woman productions
Chris MacDonald - Having used to work at The Cellar ( cool music shop which closed down sadly), this guy could get you ANYTHING!!! Has an incredibly awesome industrial music collection!
DJ Atom - Winnipegs Best and most knowledgable Industrial DJ
DJ Alytron - a tremendous help, she was assisted by Rachel
Aaron - who worked with me on Industrial Evilution at Ozzies, then later hosted his own electro Industrial night at Die Maschine (Artificial; Intelligence). He currently runs his own music label, SubLight Records.
Brooke - Who moved on to House and Trance, and we wish him luck!!!
Jeremy & JP - JP now holds the occassional trance event while Jeremy now concentrates on his music, Distorted Memory.
Matthew Martinuk - Before I knew his name, I had referred to him as "The Holy Man". Formerly DJ Bare Ass Julie of his radio, The Witching Hour, this man introduced me to the glory of Gabber and Happy Hardcore. the Coolest "Graver" I've ever known.
Sean & Max - Having assisted Matt and Rachel, these former radio DJs of the show, Trepanation, these guys have amazing taste in music.

I must also give credit to the radio DJs who have made mention of our night and events, specifically UMFMs "The Scarlet Whore of Babylon" (She was soooo cool), Sean & Max of Trepanation, DJ Bruce of CKUWs "Beer for Breakfast", and DJ Kraeden of CKUWS Rave Cutz. My greatest gratitude of course goes to the crowd. To all the regulars who have been coming constantly and showing their support for this night, a most appreciative "THANK YOU". We gave out 200 of the Hellnight CDs, I hope that (at least) everyone I know got one. This night wouldn't exist if it weren't for all of you, thank you all, and thank you Jenya for getting this site back up when it was in a coma.