If you were a Goth in Winnipeg in the summer of 1996, the place to be on Wednesday nights was Die
Maschine Cabaret. The evening was called INTERFACE, and my friend Gord (DJ Count Zero) totally ruled. Sadly for us,
he had to leave, but before he left, he passed the mantle to me and thus INTERFACE then became OGREMIND.
It's now Nov. 11 of 2017 as I enter this. Die Maschine has closed its doors, and for 3 years after there was CRYPTIC
CHAOS at Monty's Bar one. Hosted originally by DJ Dunc, they took onboard DJ Rachel for whom I then dragged myself
out of my retirment to help out with the night. Formerly sponsored by The Crypt, it was a wonderful Night, and then
new owners took possession of the building and decided they would prefer a strip club. It was at Cryptic Chaos where
DJ z3r0 began spinning alongside Rachel & myself. After Cryptic was closed, I went forward to find another venue for
us. The result was AFTER DARK on Saturday nights which I helped establish at Ozzys where I co-Deejayed with z3r0 for
a while before letting go. It was then z3r0s night before he left to go to Brandon. To continue the night, I came out
of retirement (the Second time, now) along with DJ Count Zero, and brought on board DJ Rachel (now DJ Raytch Aytch)
& Cyberella to work with DJ Macabria & DJ Razed. Along with DJ Cimmerian & DeadHead, we worked to keep things going.
The other DJs later moved on, and After Dark changed to Hard Wired where DJ Nuvo, DJ Deadlit, and myself worked the
Night at Ozzys right until it closed. Its last night was New Years Eve, Dec. 31st. Without a regular weekly night, we
are now doing events & socials among which is Ogreminds "Goths & Freaks", a bi-monthly Goth/Industrial event which
used to take place at Club 3D. Ritual Noise (a bi-monthly Goth/Industrial event organized by Elysium Social Club) is
aking place at the Windsor on alternating months while Goths & Freaks finds a new home.
The scene is strong, it's continuing, and I'm now just watching it go.
By the way, I'm Zlatan Banicevic (also known as DJ Evil Bastard), and this website doubles as my home page. Welcome! Please
have a look around.
Right then, a brief tour of this website:
Events - Upcoming Events
in Winnipeg
History - General History
of Goth in Winnipeg
The Scene - Goth Scene
Local bands - Information
about Winnipeg musicians
Message boards
- Local Groups, Forums, Information links
Inhabitant - Yours
Gallery - The Art of
Ogremind and Event Posters
Playlist - Ogreminds
weekly playlist
Requests - Rules for
Requesting Songs
Tales - Tales from the
DJ Booth
Links - Goth on the Web
Beyond - Changes after
Hell Night 2006
The Grave Yard -
All things past and buried